What if you could discover the secret formula for creating powerful intention in your life?
Take the 22-Day Challenge for Living an Intentional Life and manifest balance, clarity, and purpose. It’s a powerful first step in gaining control and intention in your life!
When you sign up for the 22-Day Challenge, you will learn about self-care strategies, overcoming obstacles that are holding you back, creating more joy in your life, the power of gratitude, and so much more!
Join the challenge and receive:
a companion workbook to guide you through each challenge.
an invitation to a private Facebook Group where you will receive support from me and other members, plus daily posts packed with useful information to keep you motivated and on-track to complete the challenge.
a group coaching session to tackle challenges and infuse inspiration to get you through all 22 days!
Intentional living means choosing to live in a way that is in alignment with your purpose in life. Are you ready? Let's do this!